
Stay Updated, Stay Current, Stay Relevant

Don’t let ‘what, where, when, how’ limit your knowledge or your career. Learn practical skills from experienced medical professionals. Get invaluable lessons based on experience acquired on the job while treating real patients and dealing with real cases. These aren’t classes; these are training sessions; these are PrepClinics.

Explore Courses

Our Categories

  • Learn Anytime, Anywhere

    Don’t let the limitations of time and place restrict your learning journey. With PrepClinic’s anywhere and anytime accessibility learn at your convenience-between patients, while commuting, during lunch break; anytime, anywhere.

  • Experienced Doctors, Practical Classes

    Learn from professionals who have built their knowledge through practical experience. What they teach can’t be found in books. These are classes where the focus is on what you need to do and how to go about it.

  • Vast Library of Courses

    Unlike many other skill building and e-learning platforms, PrepClinic is exclusively focused on designing and creating content for medical professionals. So, we offer you a great selection of courses, all current and relevant.

What Do You Get with PrepClinic Courses?

  • BookHeart

    Practical Video Lectures

    Each course consists of Video lectures, which cover all the sub topics relevant to the course. Watch these at your own pace and unlimited times during the course validity. Play, pause, rewind, replay: you are in control.

  • Graduation


    At the end of each course a strategically prepared question bank is placed to help you test your learning and understanding. These questions are designed to cover complete course and its practical application.

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    Post Course Assessment

    After completing the course, you can take the post course assessment. This is the final test of your learning. Only after you pass, we consider you fully trained. The good thing is you can take the assessment n number of times.

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    Free Medical Resource Library

    Find at your fingertips some of the most useful medical resources. A Drugs Library with an exhaustive list of drugs with information about dosage, mechanism of action, etc. A Medical Dictionary that explains most medical terms. And the ICD Codes.

Start Creating a More Skilled You

Medical technology, operating procedures, treatment options, drug of choice: the field of medicine is changing and evolving every day. To continue to be effective, you need to stay updated. PrepClinic is your solution, your learning partner.

Start a Course
Start Creating a More Skilled You
Learn on the Go: Anytime, Anywhere

Learn on the Go: Anytime, Anywhere

Being a medical professional is tough. The demands on your time are many: night shifts, emergency calls, 12 hour shifts. We understand. PrepClinic app allows you to use the time ‘in between’ to learn, skill, and grow: in between patients, in between house calls, in between ward rounds, in between the rest of your life.

Download the PrepClinic App

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